Headteacher Communication
13th September 2024
Dear Parents/Carers
We have had a successful first fortnight in school: It has been really pleasing to see so many students focused in lessons and engaging in their learning.
Year 10 and Year 12 Information Evenings
It was wonderful seeing so many families attend our Year 10 and Year 12 Information Evenings this week. We hope the presentations have helped you feel more prepared, and we look forward to working with you in the years ahead. The presentations can be accessed here: Year 10 and Year 12.
Key Stage 4 Course Overview
A letter is also being sent today to all parents and carers of Year 10 and Year 11 students which outlines all subjects’ exams and coursework units over Key Stage Four.
Access to School Site
A reminder to parents that access to the school site for visitors is via the East Gate (opposite the tennis courts). Our Main Reception is situated along the drive to the right of the building. The West Gate is no longer in operation for any school visitor. If you wish to meet with a member of staff, you will need to have an agreed appointment in advance.
Main Reception is open 08:00-16:15 Monday-Thursday and Friday 08:00-15:30. Our telephone lines are also open during these times. Here is the supporting information for how to contact the school.
If a student arrives late to school or needs to leave school early for any reason, they must enter and exit via the East Gate and sign in/out at Main Reception.
For school events, e.g. parents evenings, visitors can park on site. Parking is available along the front of school. Entry is via the East Gate, down the drive past the main reception to the front of the main building. When leaving, the exit is via the West Gate (opposite the church); the gates will open as your vehicle meets the white line. Please support us by keeping the main road as clear as possible during school events.
Students that aren’t participating in extracurricular activities or PE fixtures who wish to spectate can only do so if accompanied by their parent/carer. All parents/carers wishing to attend must sign in at the Main Reception.
A further plea from us and the local policing team is to not park on double yellow lines, the red zoned area and bus bay outside of our school gates. The school endeavours to keep the road as clear as possible, particularly at the start and end of school as 1500 students arrive and leave. If parents/carers can park away from the gates, it would be greatly appreciated.
Parent Governor Vacancies
We currently have three vacancies on our governing body for parent governors. Your child must be in St Julian’s School in order to put forward your nomination. Please see the attached letter on how to put your name forward for the parent governor role.
Newport City Council Education Service Inspection
Estyn will be carrying out an inspection of Newport’s Local Government Education Service between 4 November and 8 November 2024. They would like parents and carers to complete a survey regarding Newport’s Education services. Please find the link to the survey here. This survey will close at 9am on 7 October 2024.
And finally ….
Please contact the school if you have any general queries. The school phone lines are open from 0800 to 1615 (1530 on Fridays) on 01633 224490 or email on info@stjuliansschool.co.uk. For more specific queries related to your child, you may contact your child’s progress leader (email addresses are on the school website). Updates are also posted on our twitter account: @stjuliansschool
Yours faithfully,
Mrs A Newton & Miss S Hook
Co-Acting Headteachers