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HT Letter - Uniform (Oct 2024)



Uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school and setting an appropriate tone. It also gives students a sense of community and belonging. It is, therefore, important that students adhere to and respect our rules on school uniform.

Following on from the valiant efforts of the majority of our students on improving uniform standards this year, it is essential we continue this positive trend.

The Governing Body has made the decision to introduce mandatory black tights if students choose to wear a skirt to school from Monday 6th January 2025. Next half term (4th November - 20th December) black tights remain an optional item: staff will be reminding students of the planned change for the spring term. This will be reviewed again in the first half of the summer term. 

Item Further details
St Julian’s School black blazer Must be worn at all times. 
Other jackets/coats cannot be worn in place of a blazer. 
Hoodies and tracksuit tops are not permitted.
White collared shirt Top button must be done up at all times and tucked in.
Long or short sleeves.
House tie Available from Macey’s Sports. 
Black knee length skirt Must be of an appropriate length. No mini skirts.
Black tailored trousers or knee length black tailored shorts Polyester material only. No jeans, combat trousers, leggings (lycra material) or sports trousers/shorts
Tights Plain black. Socks are not to be worn with tights but plain black socks can be worn with trousers. Tights must not have deliberate rips or holes.
Shoes All black trainers or flat black polishable shoes.
Bag Appropriate sized bag, Large enough to carry all books and equipment.
Optional Item
Black Jumper Plain black ‘V’ or round neck, long sleeved  jumper or cardigan can be worn with the blazer, not instead of. No external labels/branding permitted.

Other Appearance Standards

Standard Further detail
Make up Natural make-up only. No unnatural eye lashes
Nails Nails should be of an appropriate length
Piercings Stud earrings only (no stipulation on number). All must be removed for PE. Tunnels must be filled.
A single nose stud is permitted- Must be removed for PE.
Hoop earrings or hooped nose piercings are not permitted for health and safety reasons. 

PE Uniform

Standard Item (s) Further detail
Plain white t-shirt/ polo shirt No logos, zips or studs/poppers
Plain black shorts No logos, zips or studs/poppers
Black leggings or black joggers Plain black. No logos
Optional item (s)
Rugby shirt Plain black (No logos, zips, studs/poppers or trim) or St Julian’s logo
Hooded sweatshirt Plain black (No logos, zips, studs/poppers or trim) or St Julian’s logo


Welsh Government guidance states students should bring their own resources to school, Please could you make sure students come equipped with the following  in a pencil case:

  • Pens; pencil; ruler; rubber; sharpener; purple pen; glue stick; highlighter.


Electronic Equipment

Equipment Further detail
Mobile phones
Gate to Gate - mobile phones must be switched off and placed in bags as soon as they enter the school through the gates. They must remain off until they leave at the end of the school day through the gate
No use on school site (inc. lessons) is permitted.
Earphones / air pods/ headphones etc No mobile phone accessories are permitted in school. (Earphones / air pods/ headphones etc) 


With all the above in mind, please remember support is available to families to help with the cost of uniforms and some items can be provided by the school on a temporary basis. Please see the school website for more information on how to apply for the PDG uniform grant.


Again, we wish all students and their families a happy and safe half term break. 

Yours faithfully,

Mrs A Newton & Miss S Hook
Co-Acting Headteachers