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Careers Wales

Careers Wales is an organisation that can help you to plan your career, prepare to get a job and find and apply for the right apprenticeships, courses and training.

Careers Wales has launched their Wales-wide live chat facility with expert advisers still on hand to discuss options and future opportunities. You can access the service via the Careers Wales website:

  • 9am – 5pm Monday to Thursday
  • 9am – 4:30pm Friday.

Parents, students and pupils! If you’re worried about options or future opportunities, Careers Wales can help. You can access their new Wales-wide live chat facility during the following times:

  • 9am – 5pm Monday to Thursday
  • 9am – 4:30pm Friday.


Careers Wales pro forma


Career Advice - Year 11

With Year 11 now coming to the end of their compulsory education, some students and parents/carers may be feeling anxious or confused about what to do in September.

Our Careers Advisers, Shawney Lewis and Dianna Macias, are here to help.

Shawney and Dianna are available for face-to-face meetings with students in school, even after they have left and would like guidance on their next steps.

Please feel free to contact them via

Shawney Lewis -

Dianna Macias -


Online Work Experience

With many young people not able to physically shadow a business on work experience, students can gain an insight into a range of workplaces virtually from a simulation tool, a broad range of industry films and interactive worksheets. The activities listed in the link below encourage the exploration of a range of different roles and sectors, and help connect to the skills required, and the meaning of core transferable skills.

LifeSkills - Help your students get remote work experience from home

Career Inspiration

Patrice Banks, like a lot of women, felt frustrated by the lack of resources available to her when she sought out car care and maintenance. Not surprisingly, when she needed help, she couldn't find any female mechanics. She went back to school to become a mechanic, and now owns and operates Girls Auto Clinic (GAC), an auto body shop run by women for women that aims to provide the proper resources for females and their car. The Girls Auto Clinic (GAC) provides free car-care workshops, automotive buying and repair resources, products, and services based on trust, education, and empowerment.

In partnership with Lean Cuisine, to support the ambitions of every woman, Patrice Banks tells her story.


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Employability Skills

Young people benefit from having opportunities to learn about working, to develop the skills they need to succeed in employment and build self-efficacy and self-belief. Where this is done well, there are benefits for the individual in increasing their employability, for employers in helping them recruit staff who have the skills that they need and for communities in reducing unemployment and supporting young people to make good choices about training and employment.


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1. Communication

  • Listening and understanding what is being said.
  • Speaking clearly and directly or using your device to communicate (for example, your computer).
  • Reading independently.
  • Using numbers.
  • Sharing information.

2. Teamwork

  • Working with people of all ages.
  • Being able to listen closely and speak clearly.
  • Knowing what your role is in the team.

3. Problem Solving

  • If there is a problem, think hard about how to solve it or ask for help.
  • Think about how you have solved a problem in the past.

4. Initiative and Enterprise

  • Ask what you can do - don't wait to be told.
  • Be able to stop doing one task to do something which is more urgent, then go back to the first task.

5. Planning and Organising

  • Coordinating tasks to be done
  • Making lists
  • Have the right tools for the job at hand

6. Self-Management

  • Being at work on time
  • Wearing the correct clothing
  • Asking to go on lunch
  • Writing 'to-do' lists
  • Watching your time

7. Learning

  • Be enthusiastic about learning new skills.
  • Be willing to learn on and off the job.
  • Be prepared to invest your time in learning new skills.

8. Technology

  • Have the basic range of technology skills
  • Be willing to learn new technology skills
  • Be willing to practise using technology

Career Interviews

Please see a link attached below for a video by Careers Wales which has useful information about what a career interview is and how it can help you.

Get the most out of your careers interview!

If you need help or would like to find out more, please see the Careers Wales website or contact our Careers Advisor, Mrs Todd.