Student Reception
Student Reception is the focal point for student queries throughout the school day. Student Reception handles a number of functions which include:
- Student timetables
- Uniform
- Lost property
- Stationary and other school equipment
- School Planners
- Student Lunch Passes
- First Aid Point
Students who feel unwell or have an accident are to be directed to Student Reception.
Unwell students must not leave school or be sent home without the school first aider’s authorisation. Parents/carers will be asked to collect their child and will sign out at Main Reception. In the case of minor accidents, the first aider will take the necessary measures and record the accident on the accident log.
In the case of potentially serious accidents, one of our qualified first aiders will go to the student. If in doubt, a member of staff will dial 999 and request an ambulance and parents will be notified.
Sanitary Products
We continue to support our female students by providing FREE sanitary products from the school.